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Monday, November 18, 2013

Dakota's 8th Birthday!

It may or may not have been a couple months ago, but at least I'm finally get around to posting it!  My darling daughter Dakota turned 8 this year!  She's getting so big, and thankfully is still maintaining her sweetness!  I don't know what we would do without this angel in our household, she is so patient with her siblings (including a baby sister who loves to drag her around and tell her what to do), she's so happy and grateful for everything in life, is very obedient, is always so positive and always trying to be her best.  We just love her to bits.  Couldn't ask for a better daughter.  Seriously.  We had a very small get together on her actual birthday, and then a week or so later she had a "Zumba" birthday party!  It's sort of a latin dance fitness class, and this instructor came to our house and entertained these girls for an hour!  She said we could invite however many kids we wanted, so I kind of let Dakota ask whoever, but it turned out that all of them came, so we had 17 girls!  Yikes!  The dancing part was totally fine, but I hadn't thought through the chaos of dinner and the overload of presents!!  Oops!!  (as you can tell from the photos, the singing of Happy Birthday got a little loud, ha ha),   Oh well, it actually went by very quickly and wasn't too bad!  Dakota had a blast and so did all the girls!  The instructor (Tamara was her name!) was SOO good with the girls, and had so much energy.  It was a great party.  And I'm so glad Dakota has so many great girls her age.

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