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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A bit of Backtracking...

I decided to go back a month because I really wanted to post my first child's baptism! It's a big event and it deserves to have some sort of record written about it!
My big boy Mason turned 8 this year, I can't even believe it, time has flown by! He was pretty excited to get baptized too!! (And Dakota was so cute, she was very jealous and can't wait until it's her turn!) We decided to baptize Mason in Drumheller with his cousin Jake Davies - they have birthdays around the same time, and we thought it would be fun to combine them so Lee's family could all come to see both at once. Not to mention it was a nice way to get a more personal baptism and avoid the big Stake ones that Calgary does! It really did turn out to be a nice day. My Dad, Grandpa Nielson spoke about the Holy Ghost and did a great job (and Jake's Grandma spoke about Baptism), and my Mom got up and bore her testimony since every one of her grandkids happened to be there. It was really nice. The girl cousins sang a song, but we forgot to practice it with Dakota, so she had to just get up there and wing it! She literally just mouthed it, it was pretty funny. Mason was very excited for his big day, although kind of nervous too to see all the cousins and stuff - you can probably tell by his very serious facial expression in some of these photos!! He would NOT smile! But he couldn't stop talking about it to us afterwards, he just kept saying "I can't believe I got baptized!" "I am the cleanest person in the family, aren't I?!" And he was very determined to stay as clean as he can and to repent if he made any mistake at all! (Unfortunately that has kind of worn off, but he really did try hard for a few days to be perfect!) He felt so good and I'm pretty sure he felt the spirit. We are so proud of him! Afterwards, we had a big family and friends luncheon at the church and then my side of the family went to the Dinosaur Museum. (My parents came, and Jocelyn and her kids, and Melanie and her kids). It was a lot of fun and some good memories to have!

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